Sunday, 23 June 2013

Mo is in town:)

I am recovering from a bout of food poisoning, but... Hey!

                                Mohan is in town!!!

                                 in Bangalore to be precise.

He arrived early on Friday.
It was such a treat to see him again and of course to receive a warm morning hug from him.
That really did make my day.

It feels so good to connect with him, to share our crazy thoughts with each other, and just be. Yes, just be, without any pretense, or the need to put on a show. This is what's awesome about our friendship. We have known each other since 2007, and know each other quite well. Mohan brings with him positive energy, love, warmth and a whole lot of smiles, and this just goes out in ripples to all those around him.

You do feel it, don't you?

Mohan and I have experienced life, lived life and seen life, on mountains, in icy cold water, in classrooms, at camps, on the streets of Bangalore, in hospitals, in kitchens literally for 16 hours, trying to be wannabe hitchhikers ( which was a big fail), on top of rocks,  or just simply, reading distasteful poetry ( mostly me). I guess those experiences have strengthened our friendship so much, that all we can do now is to laugh our heads off while reminiscing about those crazy, beat, wanderings.

Thank you MO! It's lovely having you here:)

Monday, 17 June 2013

A Dream I had, and Asleep I Was.

I was crossing between two giant mountains hand crawling on a rather thin rope.

The valley below seemed an eternity away, so far away, and the thought of falling or your hand just slipping was scary. There was another person ahead of me and in the middle of my crossing over, I got tangled in the rope. My arms and legs were all over the place and there was no getting untangled without help.

I remember the person ahead also loosing his grip and holding onto me. I was holding him by his hand, till a rescue chopper showed up and it lowered a rope. I was still tangled, in a mess, but the other person managed to get himself up on the rope.

I was still tangled and a rescuer was sent down on a harness to untangle me.

That's when I woke up. 

Sunday, 16 June 2013

My plant

My green leafy companion in the room died. i do not know why it decided to leave me alone, and turn brown, dry up. Was it its time to go? Did it go because i did not give it enough love? Did it die because there was too much Chlorine in the water? i will never know.

It is, after all, so easy for me to cut another couple of leaves and put them in some water. Voila! New green companion to look at, smile, anthropomorphise, and romanticise.


i want to spread, stretch my wings, and roar into the air. i wish to dive, as fast as sound, towards the earth; at the last moment, pull up, and scream a heart-wrenching scream; wrench out my heart, bat it with my wing, stream up with the winds, and grow a new one, a one at peace. i wish to look at the world, love, and have the energy to give all my loving to this world, and still save some, to keep loving.

i desire meaning, i desire peace, i desire the end of desire. But my fault is where i desire it with ease.

One day, i shall rise from this embryotic cringe. i shall make meaning where there is none. i shall do what calls me, without fear, without shackles. i shall burn with the fire, move with the earth, cut with the wind, and heal with the water. That day, i shall not be afraid.

(that day, perhaps, i shall know that your death had no meaning. that it is merely how it is. that you did not leave me, you just died.)

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Welcome/Velkommen/Swagatham/Ayubowan/ Bienvenida

Welcome to this blog.

Two people, from countries next to each other, and cultures somewhat similar to each other, will scribble down their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and of course those 'beat' moments, where its just the wanderings that matter, nothing else, but just the walkabouts.

This blog is a celebration of friendship, love, life and most importantly the experiences we've had together since June 2007. We roamed the land together, and we soared through the sky together, so keep your eyes and hearts open, as we begin to scribble, scribble and scribble:)

M and N