Sunday, 28 February 2016

I wonder if the lady got home

There were tomatoes rolling down the dusty street. The weather was redolent of promises of rain. We stopped to take a look.

A lady clutched at her sari, her head between her knees, on the ground. Lurching in the mud, she threw her slippers, one after the other, at the judgmental onlookers. Vegetables from her shopping bag was cast about.

"I showed you my face no!" She screamed at the dust.

She lunged for a garbage bag nearby, and made her whimsy fly rubbish out of the bag. Her eyes rolled, her tongue lolled, her mind clutching for her absent son?

Pining for raging distraction, she grasped fistfuls of dry dusty mud, and flinged it over herself.

People formed a circle. We walked towards our car.

It was dusty, so we rolled up the windows and turned on the AC. We played some jazz music for cathartic release.

I wonder if the lady got home tonight.