Wednesday 13 November 2013

Blown Away on Sri Lankan Airlines UL 171

Beautiful things seem to happen to me inside air planes.

I returned to Bangalore from my homeland yesterday and when I got onto the airport bus at the beginning of the journey, to be taken to the air plane, I glanced at a familiar face but did not make contact as I was not sure. However on a second glance, she spoke up " Hey! How are you?" she asked and then I went over to her and began to talk to her, though I was still unsure as to who she really was. Her name was Smriti and she was travelling with her mother. We parted ways at the entrance of the air craft and I went ahead and found my seat, 8A to be precise.

I was sorting out my hand luggage when Smriti and her mother approached the same row and they sat down on the two seats next to me. Now, how random is that? I was totally smiling.

We all attended to the nitty gritty of flight safety and then Smriti decides to completely blow me away.

" I must thank you again for your lifesaving skills"

I obviously had no clue as to what she was talking about and managed a confused ' huh?'.

" Ya, you saved my life once in my first year of college. You probably wont remember".

It hit me then, " Oh! in the pathway...." was all I could say and she just smiled.

Smriti had an allergic reaction to a medicine she had taken and was semi-conscious and lying prone on the university pathway when I happened to walk by, and I stopped to help as I was trained in first aid.
This was more than four years ago and yet she remembered me and ended up sitting next to me on the flight.

How does one explain things like this?

A life I touched years ago touched me so profoundly yesterday and a connection just blossomed out of it. I am amazed at the beauty of the universe and at how things occur and we all connect. It's just so very beautiful and almost surreal.

We are all interconnected and touch each other's lives one way or the other

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